Kosongkan saja jersey no 25 wahai Mr Adebayor. Kami tak perlukan pemain yang tak ade pendirian.Tiada semangat kelab, di manakah loyalty mu? Adebayor telah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berputar belit.Sekejap kate dia akan kekal di Arsenal, bebreapa jam selepas itu , ubah kenyataan, memberitahu pemberita bahawa masa depannya akan ditentukan musim depan. ape mende ko merepek ni Ade??!!
Adebayor dan Wenger yang kini berada di Austria menyaksikan final Euro masing2 belum bertemu untuk membincangkan masa depannya yang akan dijadualkan berlangsung minggu depan.

'I'm staying at Arsenal'
Pengakuan kedua selang beberapa jam kepada Sky Sports selepas buat promosi Adidas:
I have three-year contract with Arsenal but I have a lot of clubs interested in me,' 'We will decide next week.' 'When I was young I had a dream to be a good footballer and play for a big team. 'I was born in Togo so I never cared about playing for money, my happiness was to play to enjoy myself. That's what I've been doing until now. 'You can see people changing clubs because of money, because they want a change of atmosphere or to get their names in the big leagues. I just play football to enjoy myself. I play because I love it.'
Kembali cuba meredakan statementnya sebelum ini :
'We all have the same ideas and we all want to achieve something. We have a good boss, which is Arsene Wenger, he tries to bring this atmosphere to the dressing room where we feel like brothers and like family. 'Those are the reasons that gives us a chance to play the football we play. We play good football, now we look forward to winning trophies.'
Kenyataan Clarence Seedorf, pemain tua( pakai skim pencen sampai umor 58 kut tak berhenti2 lagi) AC Milan kepada Setanta Sports:
“When I spoke with him I said ‘I’m waiting for you’," “He already said that he would come, but it depends now on Arsenal if he stays there otherwise he comes to Milan.”
HAH!! yang mane satu anda pilih??lu pikilah sendiri. Nak stay, duk diam2 takyah bising2. Nak blah, angkat beg, pergi berambus, terima kasih selama ni, tak perlu bagi harapan palsu. Cukup2 la tu..You are not irreplaceable!
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