Adakah Bendi terbaca Arsenalaysia? Tidak, sebenarnya Bendi terbaca laporan songsang yang memutarbelitkan wawancaranya bersama sebuah majalah terbitan Denmark.Apabila sampai ke media Britain, mereka cube copy paste tapi hanye sebahagian sahaja diameknys suke hati citarasa editor.Ayat2 yang diambil telah diputar belit bagi menjadikan suatu artikel yang meembesarkan keegoan dan kesombongan Bendi.Artikel "Bend it like Bendi??" melalui Arsenalysia adalah tempias reflect akibat daripada artikel yang diputarbelitkan.Minta maaf Bendi dan peminatnya.Jadi untuk kali ini lebih baik aku mengambil bulat2 ape yang diucapkannye sendiri tanpa menterjemah ikut cara aku.huhu.
“I've never said anything like what they put in the newspapers,And it makes me upset because it comes across really bad.None of it was said like that. Basically I did a long interview for the Danish press recently, they asked me a lot of questions and the press over here have taken my answers and twisted them out of proportion.I was happy with the article in the Danish magazine and if you saw it you would realise that what was reported over here was not true."
“There is nothing you can do about it when they change what has been said and it's annoying because it makes people think 'what is he playing at?If I feel the need to say something to my team-mates to explain it then I will do, but they know that I am right behind the team and wouldn't say things like that.”Dalam pada itu Bendi sempat berkongsi rahsia peningkatan mutu permainanye sejak kebelakangan ni.Nak tahu?katenye makan bendi 5 kali sehari.heheh.. sebenarnye ialah, peluang bermain di right flank dalam beberapa perlawanan menyebabkan die rase lebih selesa dan serasi dengan corak permaianan pasukan.Katenye, walaupun right wing bukan posisi asalnya tapi peluang bermain di situ meembolehkan die menyerang bola hasil hantaran lintang dari kiri dan juga dapat bergerak dari posisi bawah,ktip bola dan serang secara total laa kire.Ini kerana Bendi mungkin bukan penunggu yang hebat, atau die jenie yag tak sabar2..heheh ok2 tak3, nanti merajuk lagi plak kluar artikel macam2.
"Obviously it's not my favourite position but I'm happy to do a job there if the boss asks me to. When I look back though I think I have done quite well there so it's been good for me, it's helped me develop as a player.Good players can always play in different positions. It's similar to playing as a second striker, but a bit wider."
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Bendi kecam Arsenalaysia?

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